prefix."contact"; $structure = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table ( id INT(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, subject VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, message MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) );"; $wpdb->query($structure); } function contact_menu() { global $wpdb; include 'contact-admin.php'; } function contact_admin_actions() { add_management_page("Contact Us Manager", "Contact Us Manager", 8, "Contact-manager", "contact_menu"); } add_action('activate_contactus/contact-manager.php', 'contact_install'); add_action('admin_menu', 'contact_admin_actions'); ?> Jamaica Male Stripper – Peter Male Dancer


Peter Gallery

Straight from the Island of Jamaica. Hunkmania brings you Peter

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Peter Gallery

Straight from the Island of Jamaica. Hunkmania brings you Peter

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Peter Gallery

Straight from the Island of Jamaica. Hunkmania brings you Peter

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Peter Gallery

Straight from the Island of Jamaica. Hunkmania brings you Peter

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Peter Gallery

Posted on March 5th, 2009. Filed under Meet the Hunks.

Straight from the Island of Jamaica. Hunkmania brings you Peter

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